Metalcop srl stands for quality and efficiency.

Thanks to its partners constant workability, Metalcop srl works at international level developing business contacts with companies that are located in the Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.
From a national business point of view, our company offers loaning service of different kinds of containers, such as stackable containers with or without hydraulic cover of different measures (also water tight integrity ones) and stackable 1,5 mc containers.
A part material collecting from big suppliers, our company has always paid attention to collecting service from medium and small companies.
Great attention has always been paid to materials handlings at our suppliers’, in order to optimize time and to respect the environment.
Collecting service at our clients is most of all carried out with our means, that are also approved for transport regulated by ADR, for dangerous material transport.
A part material collecting from big suppliers, our company has always paid attention to collecting service from medium and small companies.
Great attention has always been paid to materials handlings at our suppliers’, in order to optimize time and to respect the environment.
Collecting service at our clients is most of all carried out with our means, that are also approved for transport regulated by ADR, for dangerous material transport.